Numina Center for Spirituality and the Arts
 Numina Center for Spirituality & the Arts |
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Phone: |
707-324-6021 |
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550 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa, California 95401
Numina Center for Spirituality and the Arts is dedicated to the celebration of the artistic expression of spirit.
Our mission is to offer quality theatre, musical and artistic performances, as well as experiences in the expressive arts and spiritual practice. Our intent is to care for the lost soul of our culture—to celebrate art for art’s sake—for the sake of our human spirit. We find certain congruencies between artistic and spiritual practice, and believe that the arts offer rich possibilities for connection to the spiritual.
Our name “Numina” comes from the Latin root numen: in ancient Rome an indwelling or guiding spirit. Numina connotes the presence of spirit and creativity, especially in the material world.
Numina was founded and is centered at the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, Santa Rosa. We are grounded in our delight in imagery and the senses, joy in color and sound, and pleasure in drama and poetry. Our conviction is that any aspect of creation can point beyond itself to the divine. The spirit of God may be found wherever the full dimensions of life are being explored. We are dedicated to that exploration through the arts. For the practitioner and the beholder art can offer a path to an awareness of the Holy. In keeping with the long tradition of church patronage of the arts we offer a downtown venue for music, theatre, and the arts.