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Pacific Chamber Symphony

Pacific Chamber Symphony
Director/Leader: Lawrence Kohl
Phone: (415) 989-6872
Home Venue:
Pacific Chamber Symphony has it all: a dynamic maestro, brilliant musicians, beautiful music, and a friendly atmosphere. A San Francisco-based 30 member orchestra, Pacific Chamber Symphony’s intoxicating sound melds chamber music’s intimate clarity with instrumental variety and symphonic power.

Since 1989, the Pacific Chamber Symphony has performed over 400 different works in over 500 concert appearances. Pacific Chamber Symphony has a season of 3 to 5 concerts sets with performances in San Francisco, Napa, Alameda and Contra Costa counties.

Pacific Chamber Symphony educational programs have brought classical music to over 200,000 Bay Area children through full orchestra concerts for kids, maestro visits to school classrooms, school assembly performances, master classes for music students, and training in our Tri-Valley Youth Orchestra.

Pacific Chamber Symphony has been honored to perform for significant occasions such as the United Nations’ 60th Anniversary World Concert Celebration held at Grace Cathedral in June 2005.
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