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Sonoma Classical Music Society

Director/Leader: Wally Breitman
Phone: 707-939-3683
Home Venue:
Founded in 2004 by George Ellman and Al Fisk, the mission of the Sonoma Classical Music Society is to sponsor a series of classical music concerts of the highest professional quality. The society brings to Sonoma chamber music groups that may represent the unusual, such as Russian liturgical music and folk songs as well as the tried and true classics such as Beethoven's Archduke Trio or any one of Mozart's quartets.

Although most concerts are in Sonoma, some of our concerts have been at local wineries during the summer, so people can relax with a glass of wine outside and enjoy, let's say, a 17th century wind band. All in all if you like classical music, you will not want to miss the SCMS programs.
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Nigel Armstrong, violin. Elizabeth Dorman, piano
Musica Pacifica, the Bay Area's pre-eminent baroque performance ensemble. Judith Linsenbert, record
Elizabeth Dorman and Tanya Tomkins

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