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Sunday, September 28, 2008
5:00 PM
St. Lawrence String Quartet
Mill Valley Chamber Music Society
St. Lawrence String Quartet

The St. Lawrence String Quartet (SLSQ) has established itself among the world-class chamber ensembles of its generation. In 1992, they won both the Banff International String Quartet Competition and Young Concert Artists International Auditions, launching a performing career that has brought them across North and South America, Europe and Asia. They appeared in Mill Valley in 2004, playing the spectacular "The Prayers and Dreams of Issac the Blind" from their recent recording of the music of Oswaldo Golijov with clarinetist Todd Palmer. For 2006, the Shostakovich centenary, their recording of Quartets 3, 7, and 8 was described as having "impassioned performances full of operatic lyricism and structural insight." www.slsq.com

Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church
Sycamore and Camino Alto
Mill Valley

